No matter how long you’ve worked in healthcare, you know there is always room for improvement when it comes to skills. We practice intubation procedures, review drug protocols, and simulate mega-codes, all for the sake of sharpening our techniques and refreshing our knowledge base. In the ever-changing world of medicine, you can never stop learning.
So, as a means of improving our suction technique, let’s review five simple steps you can take to ensure you are ready when faced with a patient in respiratory distress.
Whether you’re a first responder on a rig or a nurse in a busy ER, you know how important it is to plan for the worst. As you check your airway bag or crash cart, be sure to check your suction unit, as well, including:
Suction units come with an assortment of adjuncts, and the right size tip can make a tremendous difference in clearing the airway. Be sure you have an assortment on hand so that you are prepared for even the chunkiest or most clotted scenario.
Be sure to use personal protection when operating your suction unit. This includes:
The best way to protect your patient is to maintain your suction unit and keep it clean. The hardware and reservoirs within the unit can serve as breeding grounds for pathogens if not disinfected after each use. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning and disposal of single use items, which will include the type of solution to use and warnings (for instance, never submerge your suction unit!).
As with any lifesaving procedure, technique is key. You may think of suctioning as the most basic of skills, and it involves relatively simple techniques. But it can also cause complications if not done correctly. Here are a few reminders:
Even the simplest treatments can dramatically improve your patient’s chance of survival. And suctioning a tenuous airway is one of the most important treatments you provide. So, be prepared and stay sharp. Your next patient may benefit from your efforts.