This Month in Emergency Preparedness News: The Heroin Epidemic Impacts EMS

Written by Sam D. Say | Sep 22, 2017 11:30:00 AM

The Heroin Epidemic Impacts EMS

Anyone working in EMS can attest to the dramatic rise in opioid emergencies. It seems the heroin epidemic has spread to every corner of our country, and as it impacts the public, so it impacts emergency responders charged with treating and transporting these patients.


Here are two articles that provide addiction statistics across the country, as well as the impact being felt by prehospital providers.

EMS Partners with Law Enforcement to Combat Addiction

In combating opioids in the field, we must partner with fellow agencies to tackle this deadly issue. Here is an article that details important collaborations between law enforcement and EMS. Read Article


The Role of Narcan in Opioid Overdose

We’re all familiar with the critical role Narcan plays in reversing opioid overdoses in the field. Here are two articles that examine the use of Narcan in heroin emergencies and how it is reducing deaths, even in the face of rising overdose incidents.


Heroin Epidemic Forces a Re-evaluation of Good Samaritan Law

Good Samaritan Laws are in place to protect bystanders who assist in emergencies. Now they are being applied to 911 calls for overdose. Check out how state legislatures are adapting existing laws to protect 911 callers, so that they are not dissuaded from calling for help because of fear of prosecution. Read Article

To Respond or Not to Respond…

An Ohio councilman touched off outrage when he questioned whether EMS responders should bother treating heroin overdoses in his community. What are your thoughts on this matter? Read Article

A Word of Thanks

In case you find yourself asking if it matters whether you treat heroin addicts in the field, here’s an example of why it does. Read Article

And from the SSCOR Blog…

Because an overdose has a high probability of turning into a critical airway scenario, here are two blogs that focus on best practices for suctioning tenuous airways.


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