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Whether you're in a Hospital or EMS setting, this is the place for you. We'll share information on current industry news, tips, as well as the latest and greatest in SSCOR products.

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AboutSam D. Say

Sam D. Say is owner and CEO of SSCOR, Inc., a medical device manufacturer specializing in emergency battery operated portable suction devices for the hospital and pre-hospital settings. Mr. Say has been involved in developing product for healthcare providers for over 35 years. His passions include contributing to the management of the patient airway and providing solutions that save lives in difficult conditions.

This Month in Emergency Preparedness News: National Survey on EMS Preparedness

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jul 17, 2017 4:30:00 PM

Welcome to our first edition of the SSCOR monthly newsletter. Each month, we will focus on the latest EMS preparedness news, keeping you up on the latest trends in emergency response, education, and training.

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Topics: Emergency Preparedness

Why Prioritize Suction Machine Maintenance?

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jul 14, 2017 4:30:00 AM

As an emergency responder, you have a lot of responsibility. You must be ready for anything: critical patients, natural disasters, and the ever-present threat of terrorist attacks. And a key to readiness is maintaining your equipment, for without your tools, you are little help to anyone.

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Topics: EMS suction, Emergency Preparedness

Dangerous Pathogens That Can Infect Your Portable Suction Unit

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jul 12, 2017 4:30:00 AM

EMS is a germy business. As an emergency responder, you are in constant contact with people suffering from communicable diseases. As your first line of defense, you must protect yourself. You must also protect your coworkers and, especially, your patients.

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Topics: Portable suction for hospitals

4 Misconceptions About Portable Suction Machine Maintenance

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jul 7, 2017 4:30:00 AM

As an emergency responder, you know how critical maintaining your equipment is. If someone were to ask you to honestly evaluate your maintenance habits, how do you think you would rate? We all like to think that we are responsible, ready professionals, but we can always improve our habits. And when it comes to portable suction machine maintenance, there is no room for error.

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Topics: Portable suction for hospitals

Three Common Summertime Respiratory Emergencies Requiring Portable Suction

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jul 5, 2017 4:30:00 AM

Example of edit made in “suggestion mode”. Summer is upon us, and it seems like only yesterday we were dealing with the winter woes of emergency medicine: traumatic injuries from winter sports, an onslaught of influenza as the temperatures plummeted, and the winter doldrums that can lead to depression and anxiety for those predisposed.

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Topics: Airway management

Three Best Practices for In-Hospital Portable Suction

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jul 3, 2017 4:30:00 AM

For those working in the hospital setting, you may give your portable suction units little thought. Most hospital workers depend on wall-mounted units, which are plumbed and ready to go. You may go years without needing a portable unit. But when you DO need it, there had better be one available.

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Topics: Portable suction for hospitals

The Portable Aspirator Units That Require the Least Maintenance

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jun 23, 2017 4:30:00 AM

As an EMS professional, you know much of your job is spent maintaining your equipment. Trucks must be kept in good working order, supplies must be stocked, and medications must be in-date. Your equipment is of no use if it is not functional, and it's your responsibility to ensure everything is up to snuff.

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Topics: Portable suction for hospitals

Trauma-Related Respiratory Emergencies: What to Look For

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jun 14, 2017 4:30:00 AM


Trauma-related respiratory emergencies can be some of the most difficult patient scenarios to treat. Trauma comes in many forms: from blunt to penetrating to blast injuries involving any or many parts of the body. And when the trauma affects the respiratory system, whether through direct impact (oral or facial injuries) or indirectly (pneumothorax or hemothorax), your patient can teeter on the brink of survival.

Treating respiratory emergencies is never easy. And when they are compounded by trauma, they can be downright deadly. So, let's discuss what to look for when it comes to trauma-related respiratory emergencies.

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Topics: Airway management, Emergency Preparedness

How to Identify a Portable Suction Unit for MCI Trailers

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jun 2, 2017 4:30:00 AM


Mass-casualty incidents (MCIs) are a growing concern in EMS. It seems we can't go a week without a mass shooting—a frightening reality in today's society. But MCIs also take other forms: multi-car pileups on the interstate, natural disasters that strike without warning, and the threat of bioterrorism from enemies abroad. As EMS professionals, we must be ready for anything.

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Topics: Suction for EMS professionals

Three Easy Steps to Extend the Life of Your Portable Aspirator

Posted by Sam D. Say

May 26, 2017 4:30:00 AM

As good stewards of our EMS equipment, we should all be concerned with the life of our gear. Limited budgets mean we must make our equipment last, and when it comes to your portable suction unit, you can take a few simple steps to extend the aspirator's life. We break down these measures into three phases: before, during, and after the call.

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Topics: Portable suction for hospitals, Handheld portable suction