Portable suction can be a quick emergency intervention, a long-term treatment for patients under anesthesia, or a way to maintain safety and hygiene for people on ventilators.
Whether you're in a Hospital or EMS setting, this is the place for you. We'll share information on current industry news, tips, as well as the latest and greatest in SSCOR products.
Our hope is that this blog is not only informative but a collaborative and open forum for you to share your thoughts on developing opportunities and challenges within your profession.
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Posted by Sam D. Say
Feb 1, 2025 8:00:00 AM
Portable suction can be a quick emergency intervention, a long-term treatment for patients under anesthesia, or a way to maintain safety and hygiene for people on ventilators.
Topics: Portable suction for hospitals, Handheld portable suction
Posted by Sam D. Say
Feb 15, 2024 8:00:00 AM
In the event of a pandemic or other health emergency, hospital emergency departments and intensive care units can become overwhelmed. Doctors, nurses, and medical personnel are being asked to go above and beyond to protect patients — and to do it quickly.
Topics: Portable suction for hospitals, Handheld portable suction
Here are a few questions for all you paramedics out there: When was the last time you decompressed a tension pneumothorax? How many surgical airways have you performed? Have you ever delivered a baby in the prehospital setting? And how many times have you performed a rapid sequence intubation?
Topics: Portable suction for hospitals
Posted by Sam D. Say
Jan 13, 2024 8:00:00 AM
CPR, ACLS, NRP, PAL. As a nurse, you are likely familiar with some, if not all, of these acronyms. Early in your career, you were taught the skills to resuscitate a patient in cardiac or respiratory arrest. Every few years, you attend a class to review and renew your certification.
Topics: Portable suction for hospitals
Posted by Sam D. Say
Sep 28, 2023 8:00:00 AM
If you are in the market for a portable suction device, you’ll notice that there is a large variety of different products available. Depending upon your intended use, you will need to evaluate several things. Consider, for example:
Topics: Portable suction for hospitals
Posted by Sam D. Say
Sep 2, 2023 8:00:00 AM
You understand the importance of clearing your patient’s airway in an emergency. To do this, you know that an appropriate suction device is necessary to remove secretions, vomit, blood, or foreign materials that may be causing an obstruction or distress. You are also aware that your hospital stocks portable suction machines to be used as needed. But have you ever thought about the fact that where you store your portable suction machine makes a difference?
Topics: Portable suction for hospitals
Posted by Sam D. Say
Aug 10, 2023 8:00:00 AM
Sometimes portable suction machines get a bad rap. That’s unfortunate because these life-saving devices have come a long way in recent years. Let’s debunk some of the most common fallacies about portable suction machines.
Topics: Portable suction for hospitals
Posted by Sam D. Say
Apr 29, 2023 8:00:00 AM
Individuals with special needs make up an increasing proportion of outpatient populations. Better equipment, more effective medications, and the rising cost of medical facilities mean more special needs individuals are being cared for at home by family, friends, and home health personnel.
This means you, as an EMS professional, will run into such patients with greater regularity.
Topics: Portable suction for hospitals, Handheld portable suction
Posted by Sam D. Say
Jan 10, 2023 8:00:00 AM
For every 1,000 Americans, about 404 made an emergency room visit to a community hospital in 2018. That’s more than 40% of the total population. And this number doesn’t even include millions of hospital inpatient stays or outpatient procedures, further emphasizing the importance—and challenges—of providing quality care every time someone walks in or is wheeled in the door.
Topics: Portable suction for hospitals, Emergency medical suction
Posted by Sam D. Say
Jul 30, 2021 9:00:00 AM
Every nurse working in a hospital knows to expect the unexpected. Just when the unit seems calm, your shift is well-staffed, and your patients are stable, it can turn on a dime: Your doctor decides he wants STAT blood work on one patient, your other patient’s IV infiltrates, and an admission comes in from the emergency room. Meanwhile, a code is called in the waiting room for a visitor that suddenly collapsed and is not breathing.
Topics: Portable suction for hospitals
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