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Respiratory Emergencies: When and When Not to Use Suction

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jul 13, 2024 8:00:00 AM

You are called to a residence in the middle of the night. A frantic father meets you at the door and ushers you upstairs to his son’s room, where you find a four-year-old boy perched anxiously on the side of his bed. He is braced in a tripod position, his small arms rigidly fixed by his side as he leans forward, drooling into a puddle on the floor. The father noticed a fever last night when he put the boy to bed but is astounded by the child’s rapid deterioration.

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Topics: EMS suction

What Every EMT Should Already Know About Basic Airway Management

Posted by Sam D. Say

May 18, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Your BLS engine company is dispatched to a “difficulty breathing” call and your ALS rescue is still in the process of delivering their previous patient to the hospital. Dispatch is sending the next closest rescue, but the responding unit has just notified you that they are held up by a train.

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Topics: Suction for EMS professionals, EMS suction

4 Types of Suctioning Machines Every EMS Professional Should Know How to Use

Posted by Sam D. Say

Apr 20, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Airway suctioning is a routine part of a first responder’s job. From preventing aspiration pneumonia to clearing the airway of a drowning victim, the right suction machine is an integral part of your EMS toolkit. Yet many paramedics, EMTs, and other first responders avoid suctioning the airway unless they absolutely have to. 

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Topics: Suction for EMS professionals, EMS suction

5 Tips for Winterizing Your First Responder Kit

Posted by Sam D. Say

Feb 29, 2024 8:00:00 AM


It’s winter, and the cold presents unique challenges to first responders. If you didn’t do it this year, take the time now and before next winter to take stock of your equipment and winterize your first responder kit. Here are five the steps to take: 

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Topics: EMS suction, Medical Suction

The Importance of Early Emergency Suction Intervention

Posted by Sam D. Say

Feb 10, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Airway obstructions are common and potentially lethal emergencies, especially among vulnerable populations such as children and geriatrics. Obstruction from a foreign body is the most common airway obstruction in young children. Among geriatrics, obstructive airway diseases, dysphagia, and aspiration are more prevalent. The odds of airway obstruction increase with age. One study of geriatric patients found that at least 10% of seniors who undergo spirometric studies may have an airway obstruction.

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Topics: EMS suction

When to Use Endotracheal Suctioning in Field Intubations

Posted by Sam D. Say

Dec 21, 2023 8:00:00 AM

The call is going smoothly. The elderly woman had gone into cardiac arrest just minutes before you arrived, but immediate CPR and rapid defibrillation were rewarded with a weak return of pulses. Your IV is flowing and the patient is intubated. But just because you have secured an endotracheal tube does not mean the airway is completely protected.

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Topics: EMS suction

Head Trauma? Keep the Suction Unit Handy!

Posted by Sam D. Say

Nov 30, 2023 8:00:00 AM


Traumatic brain injuries are often in the news. Whether the damage is combat-related, work-related, sports injuries, or resulting from falls, much attention is being paid to their causes and treatment. traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) have been elevated to front-page news. The rate of TBIs in America is reaching frightening proportions. Here are some statistics:

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Topics: Emergency medical suction, EMS suction

The Ideal Suction Machine for EMS (Emergency Medical Situations)

Posted by Sam D. Say

Oct 19, 2023 8:00:00 AM

If you were to design the ideal portable suction machine for emergency medical situations, what characteristics would you choose? The equipment used by EMS professionals takes a beating on a regular basis. Emergency calls happen in the most inopportune locations at any time of the day or night. The tools must be designed to withstand inclement weather, temperature extremes, and the rough-and-tumble arena of prehospital medicine. And when it comes to something as vital as your portable suction machine, there's no room for error. Let’s look at some important criteria when choosing the ultimate suction machine.

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Topics: Emergency medical suction, EMS suction

The Paramedic’s Guide to Advanced Airway Management in 2023

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jul 29, 2023 8:00:00 AM

There’s never a bad time to brush up on your skills. As a paramedic, one of your most important objectives should be skills proficiency. If you feel a bit rusty or it’s been a while since you’ve performed some hands-on training, now might be a good time to schedule a course. And there’s no area more critical than advanced airway management.

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Topics: EMS suction

3 Pediatric Suction Scenarios You Will Likely Encounter

Posted by Sam D. Say

Mar 16, 2023 8:00:00 AM


It's three a.m., and you have just been dispatched to a "pediatric difficulty breathing." As you rub the sleep from your eyes, you perform a quick mental review of the PALS protocol, just in case. Perhaps the child simply has a cold, and the parent has panicked. It happens all the time. But perhaps it's something more serious. You had better be ready for anything.

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Topics: EMS suction, Pediatric Suction