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What Are The Signs Of Respiratory Distress in Children?

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jun 6, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Respiratory distress is a common reason for emergency room visits in children and neonates. Children under four are especially vulnerable to respiratory problems. First responders typically see an uptick in respiratory issues among children during cold and flu season. A prompt response can save lives; in 2023, 106 children died from flu complications.

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Topics: Respiratory

Respiratory Failure vs. Distress

Posted by Sam D. Say

Apr 11, 2024 8:00:00 AM

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Respiratory failure and respiratory distress are both medical emergencies that demand prompt treatment and present special dangers to vulnerable groups such as children, elders, and people with chronic illnesses. Respiratory distress, for example, affects about 1% of newborns and is the leading cause of death in neonates born prematurely.

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Topics: Respiratory, respiratory assessment

Respiratory Distress in a Patient with Clear Lungs: What You Need to Know

Posted by Sam D. Say

Mar 28, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) occurs when blood oxygen levels drop too low because fluid has accumulated in the lungs. Numerous medical conditions, both acute and chronic, can cause ARDS. Often, a first responder or doctor hears wheezing or crackling sounds coming from the lungs. When the lungs are clear, this usually signals a hematologic, metabolic, or obstructive process. Here’s what you need to know about diagnosing and treating the cause.

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Topics: Respiratory

Tracheal Trauma Airway Management

Posted by Sam D. Say

Mar 9, 2024 8:00:00 AM


For many first responders, airway trauma is an unusual scenario. Airway trauma accounts for less than 1% of traumatic injuries. Those with little experience managing airway trauma may be reluctant to intervene and lack confidence in their skill. Given the high mortality rates associated with severe airway trauma and the risks involved, first responders must master the art and science of tracheal trauma airway management. Regular drills and continuing education classes can help.

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Topics: Respiratory

3 Guidelines for Acute Respiratory Failure and Airway Protection

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jan 11, 2024 8:00:00 AM


The COVID-19 pandemic made acute respiratory distress one of the most common emergencies faced by first responders. Without prompt intervention, the virus led to respiratory failure and life-threatening complications.

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Topics: Airway management, Respiratory

The Impact of Atrial Fibrillation on Breathing and Respiratory Health

Posted by Sam D. Say

Oct 30, 2023 7:00:00 AM

September was National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month, an important time to spread knowledge about the heart condition and its impact on the health and quality of life of individuals and families throughout the country.

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Topics: Respiratory, medical scenarios, respiratory assessment

What to Know About Aging and Respiratory Health

Posted by Sam D. Say

Oct 16, 2023 7:00:00 AM

Respiratory health concerns become more prevalent as people age and develop various physical symptoms, conditions and traumas. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the rate of ambulatory-care visits for respiratory care is highest among people aged 85 and older.

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Topics: Respiratory, Diseases & Infections

What You Need to Know About Respiratory Muscle Weakness

Posted by Sam D. Say

Oct 9, 2023 7:00:00 AM

Respiratory muscle weakness is a common disorder often associated with weakened coughing, breathing and other airway functions, and it’s critical that providers and patients know how to identify symptoms of this condition to ensure the healthiest breathing and respiratory functions possible for all individuals.

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Topics: Respiratory, respiratory assessment

The Swimmer’s Guide to Respiratory Health

Posted by Sam D. Say

Sep 25, 2023 7:00:00 AM

Swimming is a great form of exercise that can be very beneficial to a person’s overall health. Who doesn’t love a good dip in the pool, right? On the flip side, swimming can also present a number of respiratory issues and cause breathing dysfunction. It’s important to know the respiratory risks of swimming before hopping in the pool.

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Topics: Respiratory, respiratory assessment

Live with Lavish Lungs: How to Maintain a Healthy Airway

Posted by Sam D. Say

Aug 28, 2023 7:00:00 AM

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is easier said than done, and sometimes it can be easy to lose sight of taking care of yourself in the hustle and bustle of life. We tend to take our lungs for granted and ignore the value in having a healthy airway. There are many ways to ensure that you are keeping your airway at its best. The American Lung Association has identified key areas in which people tend to fall short of a healthy airway.

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Topics: Respiratory