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AboutSam D. Say

Sam D. Say is owner and CEO of SSCOR, Inc., a medical device manufacturer specializing in emergency battery operated portable suction devices for the hospital and pre-hospital settings. Mr. Say has been involved in developing product for healthcare providers for over 35 years. His passions include contributing to the management of the patient airway and providing solutions that save lives in difficult conditions.

What Every Nurse Must Consider Before the Next Patient Transport

Posted by Sam D. Say

Sep 16, 2015 4:30:00 AM

Patients are routinely transported to various locations within the hospital, but that doesn’t mean it is without risk.  Regardless of whether a transport is emergent or non-emergent, careful thought should be given to the process, so that the patient is provided with a consistent and safe level of care.

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Managing Pediatric Airways with Medical Suction: What Medics Must Know

Posted by Sam D. Say

Sep 9, 2015 4:30:00 AM

Pediatric emergencies are some of the most challenging calls to which paramedics respond. And when the emergency involves the respiratory system - whether medical, traumatic, or obstructive - literally every second counts. The first step in pediatric airway management is securing a clear passageway. Therefore, medical suction is a crucial link in the treatment chain. But clearing a child’s airway is not the same as clearing that of an adult. Smaller jaws, larger tongues, shorter necks, and more anterior tracheas dictate extra care when suctioning the pediatric airway and the equipment you choose makes a difference.

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Topics: Medical Suction

How to Tell It's Time to Replace Your Portable Suction Machine

Posted by Sam D. Say

Aug 12, 2015 9:00:00 AM

You are transporting your 78-year-old patient for a CT scan. She has a history of COPD and has had a tracheostomy for several months. She normally has an effective cough to clear any secretions, but mid-transport you notice that she starts seeming restless and agitated. Her pulse oximeter begins to alarm, and on auscultation you hear rhonchi bilaterally. You suspect that she may need to be suctioned to remove a mucus plug. You flip the switch on the portable suction machine attached to the transport bed, and you hear... nothing. Even though the battery was charging for hours, your portable suction machine won’t operate.

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Topics: Portable suction for hospitals, Emergency medical suction

How Medical Suction Machines Can Improve Patient Outcomes

Posted by Sam D. Say

Aug 11, 2015 4:30:00 AM

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Topics: Portable suction for hospitals, Emergency medical suction