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How Does a Portable Suction Machine Work?

Posted by Sam D. Say

Dec 4, 2020 7:38:36 AM

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the importance of being able to treat patients quickly and competently wherever you find them. With makeshift intensive care units and emergency departments erected in tents across the country, medical providers have had to make do with limited resources and treat patients as efficiently as possible without accelerating the spread of a deadly pandemic. 

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Topics: portable suction

Why Durability Matters for Portable Suction Devices

Posted by Sam D. Say

Sep 22, 2020 7:00:00 AM

Healthcare costs in the United States are soaring. Americans spend more on healthcare than people in any other nation. Health systems, too, are struggling, facing enormous administrative costs and losing money when people cannot afford to pay their health bills. So it’s understandable that many agencies want to spend as little on medical equipment as possible. 


The challenge is that a few months or a few years down the line, they’re shelling out more cash. Cheap equipment is cheap for a reason. Durable equipment supports better patient care and may save you money over the long term.

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Topics: Portable suction for hospitals, portable suction

How Much Should You Invest in Portable Suction Machines?

Posted by Sam D. Say

Aug 4, 2020 7:15:00 AM

Every piece of equipment your agency buys is an investment in both the long-term growth and viability of your company and the health of the people you serve. This latter piece of the puzzle can be difficult to quantify. After all, it’s hard to assign a value to saving and improving lives, greater effectiveness among your employees, and in many cases, reduced workplace stress and trauma. Yet every agency must operate under budget constraints, acting as good stewards of whatever budget they have. So how much should you invest in portable suction machines? As with most expenditures, there’s no single figure or percentage that will apply to every organization. Here are some factors to weigh when making your purchase.

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Topics: portable suction

Avoid Portable Suction Failure With These 5 Tips

Posted by Sam D. Say

Oct 26, 2018 8:00:00 AM

Portable suction failure is a major contributor to patient morbidity when first responders otherwise follow correct protocol. A 2013 study published in Prehospital and Disaster Medicine assessed the rate of portable suction failure over two years in more than 9,500 portable suction units. Overall, 2.4 percent failed. This suggests that two in every hundred patients got inadequate care instead of potentially life-saving, prompt suction.

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Topics: portable suction

What to Look for Before Buying an Emergency Portable Suction Device

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jul 27, 2018 4:30:00 AM

A portable suction device is an indispensable part of your emergency medical kit. Airway management can save lives following drowning, traumatic injuries, respiratory infections, and numerous other injuries and ailments. The right portable suction device saves lives. The wrong portable suction device can be a source of endless frustration and may even injure patients’ airways.

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Topics: portable suction

Portable Suction Needs for Your MCI Trailer

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jul 10, 2018 4:30:00 AM

As every first responder eventually learns, preparedness saves lives. Mass casualty incidents (MCIs) are increasingly common, with more than 14,000 such events documented in EMS databases in the 2010 National EMS Database of the National Emergency Medical Services Information System (NEMSIS).

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Topics: portable suction