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AboutSam D. Say

Sam D. Say is owner and CEO of SSCOR, Inc., a medical device manufacturer specializing in emergency battery operated portable suction devices for the hospital and pre-hospital settings. Mr. Say has been involved in developing product for healthcare providers for over 35 years. His passions include contributing to the management of the patient airway and providing solutions that save lives in difficult conditions.

7 Ways Your Hospital Can Prepare for External Disasters

Posted by Sam D. Say

Aug 6, 2021 9:00:00 AM


A large fire in the community, a train derailment, a tornado that destroys several homes in town, a bioterrorism attack–these are all examples of external disasters that can bring a sudden influx of patients to your hospital.  Is your hospital ready?

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Topics: Hospital disaster preparation

How Many Emergency Medical Suction Units Your Hospital Really Needs

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jul 30, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Every nurse working in a hospital knows to expect the unexpected. Just when the unit seems calm, your shift is well-staffed, and your patients are stable, it can turn on a dime: Your doctor decides he wants STAT blood work on one patient, your other patient’s IV infiltrates, and an admission comes in from the emergency room. Meanwhile, a code is called in the waiting room for a visitor that suddenly collapsed and is not breathing.

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Topics: Portable suction for hospitals

SALAD Technique May Offer Health Advantages to Responders, Too

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jul 29, 2021 6:00:00 AM


Suction-Assisted Laryngoscopy and Airway Decontamination, better known as the SALAD technique, can potentially lower morbidities and mortality associated with aspiration and related issues in emergency situations by using aggressive suction to quickly clear the airway before intubation. But a recent simulation suggests the technique can potentially benefit first responders, as well. 

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Topics: Suction Catheter, SALAD Technique

Why Your EMS Squad Should Care About Portable Suction

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jul 23, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Emergency medical responders are responsible for saving lives every day. Their knowledge and skills enable them to quickly assess and treat patients who may be unconscious, unable to communicate or located in remote terrain.

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Topics: Emergency medical suction, Suction for EMS professionals

Why Every EMT Needs a Tactical Medical Bag

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jun 29, 2021 6:00:00 AM

Tactical medicine, sometimes called SWAT medicine, is a high stakes branch of emergency medical services (EMS) that caters to the needs of law enforcement, the military, and other first responders. If your organization serves the general public, then you might think that tactical medical care is well outside of your wheelhouse. 


The reality is much different. The rate of mass shootings—and the number of casualties—is steadily rising. Political turmoil always has the potential to turn violent. And in 2017 alone, there were nearly 15,000 gun-related homicides in the United States, with more than 100 due to mass shootings. 


Sooner or later, you will encounter a tactical medical scenario. That’s why you need to be prepared with a portable tactical medical bag that keeps you and your patients safe. 

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Topics: Tactical medical bag

Crash Cart Preparedness: Must-Have Features and Medications

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jun 22, 2021 6:00:00 AM

A crash cart is an integral component of emergency patient care. Although most emergency departments use these carts to treat cardiac arrest, they can also treat other emergency conditions and ensure that providers are able to promptly attend to patients at a high risk of serious morbidities and mortality. 


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Topics: Crash Cart Supplies

Why Traditional Dental Suction Tools Need an Upgrade

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jun 8, 2021 6:00:00 AM

Before the pandemic, dental suction was primarily used to clear secretions, provide emergency treatment, and maintain a clean and accessible surgical field. However, COVID-19 offered a crash course in why every dentist needs to have quality, modern suction readily available for every patient, every time. 


Quality suction reduces the aerosolization of contagious particles. This helps to slow the spread of COVID-19, which can encourage patients to seek necessary dental care and potentially even save lives. Now is the time to upgrade your traditional dental suction tools. Here is what you need to know about quality, modern suction. 

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Topics: Medical Suction for Dental

Reducing the HAI Risk Attributable to Hospital Suction Canisters

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jun 1, 2021 7:00:00 AM


A hospital visit can save a patient’s life. It can also destroy it if they pick up a virulent healthcare-associated infection (HAI). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that on any given day, 1 in 31 hospital patients have at least one HAI. 

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Topics: Portable suction for hospitals, Medical Suction

How to Use a Yankauer Suction Catheter

Posted by Sam D. Say

May 25, 2021 7:00:00 AM


The Yankauer suction catheter has a long and storied history in both emergency medicine and routine care. Developed in 1907, it has been a mainstay of airway management for more than a century. Dr. Yankauer was a groundbreaking provider in his time, who wanted to carefully suction surgical patients without damaging delicate tissue.


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Topics: Medical Suction, Suction Catheter

What is an Emergency Aspirator, and When Should it be Used?

Posted by Sam D. Say

Apr 27, 2021 7:15:00 AM


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Topics: Emergency medical suction, Emergency Preparedness