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Finding a Reliable Battery-Operated Portable Suction Machine

Posted by Sam D. Say

Mar 2, 2023 8:00:00 AM


Picture this: The storm had knocked out power across three counties, and unfortunately, your zone was situated in the thick of it. Although your station was equipped with an emergency generator, the steady influx of calls had kept you from touching base. And now you're dispatched to an overdose at the nearby homeless shelter.

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Topics: Battery-powered suction, EMS suction

Responding to Mental Health Crises and Related Airway Symptoms

Posted by Sam D. Say

Feb 27, 2023 7:00:00 AM

It’s no secret that mental health crises have been on the rise in recent years, affecting individuals of all ages, and from all walks of life. According to data from Mental Health America in 2022, the estimated number of adults with serious suicidal thoughts was over 11.4 million, and 15.08% of youth ages 12-17 reported suffering from at least one major depressive episode in the past year.


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Topics: medical scenarios, Trauma

The Role of the Portable Suction Machine in Cardiac Arrest

Posted by Sam D. Say

Feb 26, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Anyone who has worked in the field of EMS has worked their fair share of codes. You arrive on the scene to find a patient in full arrest, so you initiate CPR, begin bagging, and break out your ALS equipment. Everything is running smoothly—that is until the patient vomits. You reach for your portable suction unit, only to realize you left it on the truck. Big mistake!

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Topics: Suction for EMS professionals

Airway Management for Patients with Sleep Apnea

Posted by Sam D. Say

Feb 25, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a chronic medical condition that affects a person’s nighttime breathing. This can lead to fatigue, dry mouth, and issues with daytime wakefulness. Sleep apnea also correlates with a higher risk of serious health problems, including stroke, heart attack, respiratory disease, pneumonia, and premature death.

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Topics: Airway management

Pediatric Airway Complications: Causes and Solutions

Posted by Sam D. Say

Feb 23, 2023 6:00:00 AM

Pediatric airway problems can lead to devastation for families. According to the Pediatric Perioperative Cardiac Arrest (POCA) registry, respiratory events led to 27% of all pediatric perioperative cardiac arrests.


Likely, this is the first traumatic event the child has experienced and causing further distress will only increase the severity of the problem. It falls to responders to keep an open and friendly disposition during these events, making medical care less intimidating. To be able to focus on that type of demeanor, prior education and comprehension of the causes and solutions to these complications is vital to potentially saving a child’s life or preventing long-term harm.


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Topics: Airway management, Pediatric Suction, airway obstruction

Respiratory Emergencies: Recognizing Thoracic Trauma

Posted by Sam D. Say

Feb 21, 2023 2:15:00 PM

When we think of traumatic injury, we typically envision gruesome wounds: amputations, avulsions, impaled objects, compound fractures. And any of these injuries can impact the thoracic cavity. But thoracic trauma can also be frighteningly subtle. So, let's discuss the various ways the chest can be impacted by trauma and some of the clinical signs that may accompany such injuries. Recognizing thoracic trauma is the first step in effective treatment.

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Topics: Airway management

Aspiration Pneumonia Treatment Guidelines

Posted by Sam D. Say

Feb 18, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Aspiration pneumonia is a life-threatening complication resulting from the inhalation of airway contaminants and pathogen overgrowth. Multiple substances are directly toxic to the lungs or can stimulate an inflammatory response when aspirated—gastric acid from vomiting is the most common aspirated substance. 

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Topics: aspiration pneumonia

Emergency Airway Management for Head and Neck Injuries

Posted by Sam D. Say

Feb 15, 2023 6:00:00 AM


Head and neck injuries are very common during emergency calls, particularly following a vehicle crash, fall or another trauma that affects the upper portion of a patient’s body. Those who suffer such injuries, beyond the potential for long-term skeletal, muscular or neurological issues, also carry a high risk for a range of airway issues or crises. If a responder is not able to resolve these issues promptly, the consequences can be fatal.

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Topics: Emergency medical suction, Emergency Preparedness, airway obstruction

Assembling the Right Components for Your Portable Suction Machines

Posted by Sam D. Say

Feb 14, 2023 8:00:00 AM

As an EMS professional, you rely on your equipment. Imagine for a moment what it was like just 50 years ago, when emergency transport meant simply placing a patient in the back of a makeshift ambulance (typically a station wagon) and driving as fast as you could to a hospital. Things have certainly improved not only for our patients but for providers as well.

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Topics: Handheld portable suction

Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment of Aspiration Pneumonia

Posted by Sam D. Say

Feb 13, 2023 8:00:00 AM


Aspiration pneumonia has a mortality rate of 5% to15%, and that rises to as much as 22.7% in populations with emphysema. The secretions patients aspirate are often contaminated with pathogens from the oral cavity, increasing the rate of morbidity and necessitating additional interventions, and potentially long hospital stays. Prompt intervention is the key to preventing serious complications associated with aspiration pneumonia. Portable emergency suction can help prevent aspiration pneumonia, as well as its attendant complications.

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Topics: aspiration pneumonia