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Medical Equipment Every Skilled Nursing Facility Should Have on Hand

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jun 22, 2024 8:00:00 AM


Residents of a skilled nursing facility are significantly more likely than other people to go to the hospital. These hospital stays can be disruptive and frightening, especially for people with dementia. The right medical equipment can manage many minor medical conditions, preventing them from worsening and reducing the need to transport residents to the hospital.


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Topics: Emergency Preparedness

Why Is Emergency Preparedness Important?

Posted by Sam D. Say

May 15, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Emergency preparedness is a critical aspect of the job for every medical professional, especially first responders. You’ll be working with people at some of the most difficult times of their lives, often in the wake of immense tragedy or a sudden disaster. Emergency preparedness should guide your work.

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Topics: Emergency Preparedness

Are You Prepared for Pediatric Trauma?

Posted by Sam D. Say

Mar 21, 2024 8:00:00 AM

The call came in as a “child down.” No other information was available. As your unit races to the scene, you do a quick mental inventory of the equipment you may need: pedi bag, airway bag, spinal immobilization, trauma bag. As with any emergency, your pulse is racing, but when the call involves a child, there is always an added layer of stress. Is your equipment ready? Did you inventory the pedi bag this morning? Can you recall the drug dosages, in case the child is in full arrest? A million questions flash through your mind.

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Topics: Emergency Preparedness

This Month in Emergency Preparedness News: The 5 Most Common School Emergencies

Posted by Sam D. Say

Mar 16, 2024 8:00:00 AM

School is in session, and medical emergencies in school are common – 10% to 15% of students have special medical needs or a chronic health issue—yet many schools are unprepared to manage them. 

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Topics: Emergency Preparedness

The Most Important Disasters Rural Hospitals Must be Prepared For

Posted by Sam D. Say

Feb 22, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Because there are always many unknowns, preparing for a disaster is an enormous undertaking. For rural hospitals, this challenge is further amplified due to issues such as remote location, limited resources, and staffing shortages. Yet by actively preparing for the types of disasters that rural hospitals are most likely to face, such difficulties can be lessened.

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Topics: Emergency Preparedness

The Emergency Vehicle Maintenance Checklist Everyone Should Have

Posted by Sam D. Say

Jan 18, 2024 8:00:00 AM

In the field of EMS, maintenance is critical. Our trucks must be kept in good working order, our drugs must be up to date, and even our knowledge base must be tweaked regularly to ensure we keep up with new trends in the field and keep our skills sharp.

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Topics: Emergency Preparedness

The Importance of Patient Positioning During Airway Management

Posted by Sam D. Say

Dec 11, 2023 7:00:00 AM

While it may seem like a minor consideration to some, EMS providers know that patient positioning plays a crucial role in the quality, safety and effectiveness of medical treatment. In fact, an article from the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF) states that patient positioning is 90% of the airway management battle. Positioning lays the groundwork for the process of treatment and airway management, and providers should therefore continue to enhance their knowledge of different patient positions, and factors to consider when choosing the right position for airway management and respiratory treatments.

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Topics: Emergency medical suction, Airway management, Emergency Preparedness

5 Tips to Prepare Your EMS Unit for a Power Outage

Posted by Sam D. Say

Dec 9, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Power outages can strike without warning. For some, they are a minor inconvenience that lasts only a few moments. But some outages can last for many days, endangering the health of people who depend on ventilators and other electrical devices to remain healthy and alive.

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Topics: Hospital disaster preparation, Emergency Preparedness

Common Causes of EMS Equipment Failures — and How to Avoid Them

Posted by Sam D. Say

Dec 7, 2023 8:00:00 AM


It’s the nightmare scenario for emergency health care providers – arriving at the scene of a crisis or preparing to attend to an emergency room patient and a vital piece of equipment unexpectedly fails. The precious time spent finding a replacement or coming up with a Plan B is time that many patients cannot afford.

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Topics: Emergency Preparedness

Three Respiratory Emergencies Involving Hazardous Materials

Posted by Sam D. Say

Nov 16, 2023 8:00:00 AM


It was a calm Sunday in 2017 on the southern coast of England when people strolling along the shore were suddenly engulfed in a strange chemical cloud. More than 130 people were treated at an area hospital for complaints ranging from sore throats to streaming eyes, to difficulty breathing. The source and the composition of the cloud have never been determined, but the event is a reminder that hazardous materials can cause a range of medical issues—one of the most serious being respiratory emergencies.

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Topics: Emergency Preparedness