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Sam D. Say is owner and CEO of SSCOR, Inc., a medical device manufacturer specializing in emergency battery operated portable suction devices for the hospital and pre-hospital settings. Mr. Say has been involved in developing product for healthcare providers for over 35 years. His passions include contributing to the management of the patient airway and providing solutions that save lives in difficult conditions.
Posted by Sam D. Say
Oct 5, 2022 6:15:00 AM
Topics: Emergency Preparedness
Topics: Medical Suction
Topics: airway obstruction
Mold can present dangers for individuals in their homes, office spaces and many other indoor and outdoor environments. Notably, as a fungal growth that forms on damp and decaying organic matter and grows during all seasons of the year, mold can cause a range of respiratory emergencies if its spores are inhaled.
Topics: Respiratory
Posted by Sam D. Say
Sep 14, 2022 8:00:00 AM
Topics: respiratory assessment, Anaphylaxis
Posted by Sam D. Say
Sep 13, 2022 8:00:00 AM
Although it may seem like COVID-19 is the only respiratory disease crisis on medical professionals’ radar, influenza and pneumonia season is around the corner, and doctors worry that it may be more severe than people expect.
Topics: Respiratory
When transporting a critically ill patient, it’s easy to focus only on the medical emergency. But ambulance crashes are common; more than 6,500 ambulance crashes occur each year, claiming an average of 33 lives annually. Ambulance safety depends on taking proactive steps to mitigate risk in the event of a crash.
Topics: ambulance safety
Shifts for paramedics and emergency medical technicians can last as long as 24 hours. It’s no surprise that a day-long shift can include a lot of activity, especially in communities with limited EMS services or larger populations.
Topics: Battery-powered suction
Topics: Emergency medical suction
Frequently, when we consider airway maintenance, we think of removing fluids and harmful substances from the trachea, but what happens when the trachea itself is part of the problem?
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