Whether you're in a Hospital or EMS setting, this is the place for you. We'll share information on current industry news, tips, as well as the latest and greatest in SSCOR products.
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Posted by Sam D. Say
Nov 11, 2023 8:00:00 AM
Topics: Medical Suction for Dental
Posted by Sam D. Say
Nov 9, 2023 8:00:00 AM
Medical suction can save lives when it’s properly performed. However, improper technique can make an emergency situation worse, causing potentially catastrophic injuries. The right training for your paramedic team can maximize their job effectiveness and even save lives. Here’s what your team needs to know about safe medical suction.
Topics: Medical Suction
Prehospital care is a sector of the medical field that is constantly evolving with new research and advancements. When it comes to prehospital care for pediatric patients, things can get a little tricky. One of the most pressing questions that comes up when a provider is navigating prehospital care for a child is, “Should I utilize an intubation tube or not?” There are several important factors providers must understand and consider to make the most informed decisions about intubation during prehospital pediatric care.
Topics: Emergency Preparedness, Pediatric Suction, Intubation, EMS Professionals
An emergency aspirator can save lives. It can also be intimidating to patients, and first responders may be reluctant to use the device in the absence of clear indications. There is no reason to deny or delay suction to a patient who shows an obvious need. So when should you use an emergency aspirator? The short answer is that an emergency aspirator may be appropriate any time there is any sort of airway obstruction. Here are some of the most common usage indications.
Topics: Aspiration
Whether you’re a doctor, nurse, or EMS professional, treating patients in an emergency scenario is stressful and exhausting. Competent, compassionate care often requires working as quickly as possible while minimizing needless distractions. Many providers skip lunch and breaks, ignore their own personal needs, and work hour after hour in frigid temperatures or on empty stomachs.
Topics: Medical Suction
Posted by Sam D. Say
Oct 30, 2023 7:00:00 AM
September was National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month, an important time to spread knowledge about the heart condition and its impact on the health and quality of life of individuals and families throughout the country.
Topics: Respiratory, medical scenarios, respiratory assessment
Medical suction is one of the most fundamental treatments in emergency response. Whether you are clearing vomit from an unresponsive patient, controlling bleeding in a trauma victim, or visualizing the cords during intubation, your portable suction unit is one of the most important tools in your EMS arsenal.
Topics: Medical Suction
It’s back-to-school season. You’ve thought of the lunches, the new pencils and those lovely first-day-of-school outfits. But, is airway safety on your back-to-school checklist? There are many airway emergencies that can happen at school that providers, families, school nurses and teachers should be aware of and prepared to address.
Topics: Airway management, Emergency Preparedness
As an EMS responder, you know how important a well-stocked trauma bag can be to the smooth running of emergency scenes. When you’re involved in the rapid, complex stabilization of a trauma patient, there’s nothing better than knowing that every piece of equipment you need is right within arm’s reach. A variety of dressings, assessment tools, and personal protection gear are all critical inclusions in your trauma bag. But none is so imperative as airway equipment, for without a patent airway, nothing you do for your patient will really matter.
Topics: Airway management
Posted by Sam D. Say
Oct 19, 2023 8:00:00 AM
If you were to design the ideal portable suction machine for emergency medical situations, what characteristics would you choose? The equipment used by EMS professionals takes a beating on a regular basis. Emergency calls happen in the most inopportune locations at any time of the day or night. The tools must be designed to withstand inclement weather, temperature extremes, and the rough-and-tumble arena of prehospital medicine. And when it comes to something as vital as your portable suction machine, there's no room for error. Let’s look at some important criteria when choosing the ultimate suction machine.
Topics: Emergency medical suction, EMS suction
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